Kamis, 11 Agustus 2011

Hang Out

Girl: hang out tonight?
Boy: i cant. im hanging out with someone else.
Girl: who?
Boy: the most beautiful, special, amazing girl in the world.
Girl: oh

5 minutes later the doorbell rings

Girl: why are you here?
Boy: i told you i was coming over…♥

originally posted by : cutesecrets

4 komentar:

  1. hhuhuhu, iri sama sapa neng?
    itu bukan akuuuu~

    tu ambil di link "cutesecrets", so sweet yak :(

  2. hahaa.. aq pernah kyk gitu..
    tp alhasil malah jadi tengkar, gara-garanya aq pas lagi gak ada di kos, dianya uda di depan kosku :D
    hehehehee jadi teringat

  3. wahh seriuss? hhihihii.. so sweet :")
    kejutannya lgi ga tepat berati wen, next time lah yaa :D



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